SK 37-year-old married lady came to us on 16th of September 2009 for the treatment of pain in her lower abdomen.

Before she visited us, the initial observation is

The U.S.G report of her lower abdomen dated 7th of September 2009 stated: Right adnexal complex S.O.L (8.6 cm X 4.4 cm) -? Loculated collection possibility of right ovarian S.O.L can not be ruled out. Mild free fluid in POD and also right iliac fossa region.

After taking our medicine, her abdomen pain was decreased.

Follow up U.S.G of lower abdomen report of 1st of January 2010 showed right ovarian cyst (3.5 cm x 2cm). Marked regression in size of the cystic lesion seen on comparing with study of 7th of September 2009.

She feels much better symptomatically and continues with the same medicines as prescribed.

Another follow up U.S.G. of lower abdomen report of 21st April 2010 showed further regression of the cystic lesion. The cyst now measures (1.8 cm x 1.8 cm.)

Another follow up U.S.G. report of her lower abdomen of 16th of December 2010 showed The cystic lesion seen in previous USG dated 21st of April 2010 has resolved completely.